Access Team

The Casarotto Ramsay & Associates Access Team is your One Stop Shop for all the guidance, advice and expertise needed to make your production, business and processes Access First across every touchpoint.

With a growing client list of specialists across the spectrum of Access expertise, we can provide Access Coordinators, Access Auditors, Event Specialists, Editorial Access Consultants and more.

We also have partnerships and connections with experts in deaf consultancy, Access to Work advice, Learning Disability and Neurodivergence.

Beyond that we can tap into a network of trusted recommendations for BSL interpreters and Support Workers with experience in the Entertainment Industry.

Sara Johnson and Julie Fernandez lead the team and are constantly developing and iterating best practices to ensure the team and client's work is world-class and highly applicable to the specifics of the entertainment industries. They have a mission to demonstrate how much better a production or business can be when it's made accessible to all in a really practical and holistic way.

They work with Broadcasters, Streamers and Distributors as well as other businesses in the Entertainment landscape and our Access Coordinators work across HETV, Scripted and Unscripted, Events, Theatre and Film.

Our ethos is the firm belief that representation isn’t difficult, but that it takes commitment and fresh thinking to enact the practical and attitudinal changes necessary.

Whether you require creative consultancy, allyship training or practical access support, we have a broad range of packages and partners that enable us to design programmes tailored to your needs and to deliver the action that follows your ambition.

Please contact to discuss how we can bring an Access First approach tailored to your size, culture and ambitions.

We will meet you where you are, and look forward to supporting you on this important and inclusive journey.